Voice Basics

Vocode supports several different TTS models, giving you maximum flexibility and control over the voice of your agents. Our current list of supported model providers is:

[Coming Soon] Vocode curated voices

Choosing a voice isn’t easy, so the Vocode team has curated a list of voices that we think are the best across the different providers and use cases.

We also are compatible with any stock voice from our provider list. You can reach us on Slack and we can add it to our voice list.

Voice clones

For enterprise customers, we can add cloned voices on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to us on Slack if you’d like to explore custom cloned voices.

Setting up new voices

Play.ht voice

voice = vocode_client.voices.create_voice(
        "type": "voice_play_ht",
        "voice_id": "voice_id",
        "version": "2",

ElevenLabs voice

voice = vocode_client.voices.create_voice(
        "type": "voice_eleven_labs",
        "voice_id": "06oPEcZqPWhZ2IeTcOJc",
        "stability": ".2",
        "similarity_boost": ".75",
        "model_id": "eleven_turbo_v2",
        "optimize_streaming_latency": "4",

Rime voice

voice = vocode_client.voices.create_voice(
        "type": "voice_rime",
        "speaker": "amber",
        "model_id": "mist",

[Legacy] BYO TTS

In previous versions of Vocode, we allowed customers to bring their own TTS accounts but we are no longer supporting this as of April 2024.