
WebRTC is an alternative to websockets for real-time P2P communication. Vocode Agents are compatible with both WebRTC and websockets, enabling developers to pick the stack best suited for their application.

To connect Vocode agents to WebRTC, Vocode uses LiveKit–an open source platform for building on WebRTC. For a background on how LiveKit works, please see their documentation.

In this guide, we’ll be walking through how to connect a Vocode Agent to the LiveKit Agents Playground.

Walkthrough: hooking up a Vocode Agent to a LiveKit Room

Setting up your LiveKit Server

First, you’ll want to set up a LiveKit Server for your Agent. For simplicity, we are using LiveKit’s hosted offering–but it can also be self hosted, since LiveKit is open source!

In our LiveKit dashboard, we first generate our websocket URL, API key, and Secret Key.


Deploying your Vocode agent to a LiveKit Room

Once you have your LiveKit Server credentials, we can hook it up to Vocode via the LiveKitConversation abstraction. Using the starter code in vocode-core/apps/livekit/app.py, you can quickly deploy a Vocode Agent to accept new job requests.

Fill in your credentials in .env:


Followed by poetry run python app.py dev

And now you can connect to the Agents Playground to interact with your agent. With LiveKit, you can connect Vocode agents to any web application and leverage their React Component library.