Note: Support for actions is currently limited to ChatGPTAgent.

What are actions?

Actions refer to specific tools an agent can execute during the conversation. These actions can encompass various activities like writing an email, scheduling an appointment, and so forth. They are implemented as classes derived from the BaseAction class.

The BaseAction class has the following key structure:

class BaseAction(Generic[ActionConfigType, ParametersType, ResponseType]):
    def __init__(
        action_config: ActionConfigType,
        should_respond: Literal["always", "sometimes", "never"] = "never",
        quiet: bool = False,
        is_interruptible: bool = True,
        self.action_config = action_config
        self.should_respond = should_respond
        self.quiet = quiet
        self.is_interruptible = is_interruptible
    async def run(self, action_input: ActionInput[ParametersType]) -> ActionOutput[ResponseType]:
        raise NotImplementedError

Every action class derived from BaseAction must implement the run method, which is called to execute the action. Importantly, each action class should include a docstring for this method that explains the expected parameters, a config that can be used to create the action, and a response class.

  • This docstring is critical as it provides the information that the AI will consume in its prompt when instructing the execution of the action.
  • The config contains all the parameters needed to customize your action.
  • The response object is returned to the agent upon action completion and encodes its output, as well as if it was a success or failure.

How Agents use Actions

The agent is responsible for managing and executing actions within a conversation. The agent consumes a configuration object at instantiation, which specifies the actions that the agent can perform.

The agent configuration lists the actions available to the agent:

class AgentConfig(AgentConfig, type=AgentType.Base.value):
    actions: Optional[List[ActionConfig]]
    # ...

ActionsWorker: how actions are executed and consumed

The ActionsWorker class plays a crucial role in the async processing of actions within the system. It’s a specialized form of the InterruptibleWorker class, designed to handle the execution of actions and passing results back to the agent.

The ActionsWorker is initialized with an input queue and an output queue. It uses an ActionFactory instance to create and execute actions based on the inputs it receives.

The flow of actions is as follows:

  1. Agent sends action requests to the ActionsWorker through the worker’s input queue.
  2. ActionsWorker reads the action request from the input queue. It then creates an instance of the appropriate action using the ActionFactory, and executes it using the provided parameters.
  3. The executed action returns an ActionOutput object which encapsulates the result of the action.
  4. ActionsWorker creates an ActionResultAgentInput from the ActionOutput, and puts it in its output queue.
  5. The agent then consumes the ActionResultAgentInput from the queue in its process method. This result is added to the transcript of the conversation, and can influence the behavior of the agent in subsequent interactions.

Implementing your own action: Nylas email example

In this section, we provide an example of an action, NylasSendEmail, which extends the BaseAction class. It implements the run method to send an email using the Nylas API. We will also show how to add this action to an agent and use it in a conversation.

Creating the Action

import os
from typing import Optional, Type

from pydantic import Field
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel

from vocode.streaming.action.base_action import BaseAction
from vocode.streaming.models.actions import ActionConfig as VocodeActionConfig
from vocode.streaming.models.actions import ActionInput, ActionOutput

_NYLAS_ACTION_DESCRIPTION = """Sends an email using Nylas API.
The input to this action is the recipient emails, email body, optional subject.
The subject should only be included if it is a new email thread.
If there is no message id, the email will be sent as a new email. Otherwise, it will be sent as a reply to the given message. Make sure to include the previous message_id
if you are replying to an email.

class NylasSendEmailParameters(BaseModel):
    email: str = Field(..., description="The email address to send the email to.")
    subject: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The subject of the email.")
    body: str = Field(..., description="The body of the email.")

class NylasSendEmailResponse(BaseModel):
    success: bool

class NylasSendEmailVocodeActionConfig(
    VocodeActionConfig, type="action_nylas_send_email"  # type: ignore

class NylasSendEmail(
    description: str = _NYLAS_ACTION_DESCRIPTION
    parameters_type: Type[NylasSendEmailParameters] = NylasSendEmailParameters
    response_type: Type[NylasSendEmailResponse] = NylasSendEmailResponse

    def __init__(
        action_config: NylasSendEmailVocodeActionConfig,

    async def _end_of_run_hook(self) -> None:
        """This method is called at the end of the run method. It is optional but intended to be
        overridden if needed."""
        print("Successfully sent email!")
    async def run(
        self, action_input: ActionInput[NylasSendEmailParameters]
    ) -> ActionOutput[NylasSendEmailResponse]:
        from nylas import APIClient

        # Initialize the Nylas client
        nylas = APIClient(

        # Create the email draft
        draft = nylas.drafts.create()
        draft.body = action_input.params.body

        draft.subject = (
            action_input.params.subject.strip() if action_input.params.subject else "Email from Vocode"
        ) = [{"email":}]

        # Send the email

        await self._end_of_run_hook()
        return ActionOutput(

We define a structured set of parameters that the LLM will fill, a response structure that the agent can ingest and use as context for the rest of the conversation, and an action config that crucially contains the action_type (but doesn’t have any other specific parameters). We also add an _end_of_run_hook(), which we customized to log that the action successfully completed.

Making a custom ActionFactory

To use our new action with an agent in a conversation, we will need to create an ActionFactory that can produce instances of the action.

We will store the code above in and make a factory that can create this action for an agent:

from typing import Dict, Sequence, Type

from vocode.streaming.action.abstract_factory import AbstractActionFactory
from vocode.streaming.action.base_action import BaseAction
from vocode.streaming.action.nylas_send_email import NylasSendEmail
from vocode.streaming.models.actions import ActionConfig

class MyCustomActionFactory(AbstractActionFactory):
    def create_action(self, action_config: ActionConfig):
        if action_config.type == "action_nylas_send_email":
            return NylasSendEmail(action_config)
            raise Exception("Action type not supported by Agent config.")

Using your action and action factory in an agent

Now you can use your action in any conversation by adding the action config to an agent config. For example in a ChatGPTAgentConfig,

action_config = ChatGPTAgentConfig(
    actions = [
            type = "action_nylas_send_email"

When you pass in your new action factory created above, any agent factory can use this config to generate an agent for conversations. See Agent Factory for more information on how to use your action factory in an agent factory, as well as how to plug it into a telephony server.